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A Short history of Ghanzi District
- The NAME: Ghanzi
- The first white settler
- Trekking the merciless desert
- Peaceful co-existence with the San
- Fencing of the farms
- Remote Area Dweller Programme
- Freehold land
Ander Ghanzi
History of settlement in Gaentsii
Preliminary timeline of Ghanzi settlement history
(from records of evidence of occupation).
General Trading in Botswana, 1890-1968
Alan C. G. Best, a student of the Boston University, wrote this journal in Oct 1970, His papaper examines some of the salient characteristics of general trading within Botswana for the last 80 years.
Doopregister - Gereformeerde Gemeente Ghanzi
(1909 - 1973)
Riana Oosthuizen wie se groot oupagrootjie Theunis Nicholaas Kotze was, het 'n doopregister ontdek gedurende haar eie familie geskiedenis se navorsing wat sy met ons gedeel het. In daardie dae is nie elke Sondag gedoop nie, maar eerder wanneer die predikant wel 'n besoek aflê in Ghanzi of naburige omgewing.
Sunday Times Magazine, Ken Mori,
20 September 1987.
ln a far corner of Botswana, where the Kalahari meets the Namibian border, lies the town of Ghanzi. Here farmers fight back the desert, breed prize cattle and teach their bulls to drink beer. Ken Mori was at their annual agricultural show.
Why Racial Paternalism and not Genocide -
The Case of the Ghanzi Bushmen of Colonial Bechuanaland
Chapter 6
- Mathias Guenther -
- Wilfred Laurier University -
Their needs were simple and the land they occupied was only a comparatively small stretch of territory. On the unfenced and largely undeveloped farms there was little need for labourers other than herds. Bushmen did the work capably enough for their requirements and each farmer would have several families of Bushmen resident on his land, intermittently working for him.
Cash wages were unheard of and the employer-employee situation had much in common with the patron-client relationship between Bantu and Bushman. It was stable, and both sides recognized their duties and obligations. The farmer was not very much better off than his labourer as far as material comfort went, and the Bushmen were content to have enough to eat and get a regular ration of tobacco.
Report for 1910 - 1911
University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign
The need for a shorter and direct road via Molepolole/Lehututu to Ghanzi, a distance of over 250miles, was documented in this annual report (Remark 7, Page 4). The potential for cattle ranching in the Ghanzi district was identified only if three or four wells producing sufficient water could be sunk at intervals along the proposed road. If water was found at no great depth it was possible that many thousands of square miles of unknown Crown Land could be turned to good account in the future.
This remark turned out to be true, after DC Ernest Midgley, who served Ghanzi between 1950-1956, completed the construction of the road between Ghanzi and Kang, without any permission to do so, to the delight and advantage of cattle farmers in Ghanziland. Now it was possible to trek the Kalahari for the first time knowing that there will be sufficient water for their cattle en-route to Labotse.
Geskryf deur:
Die pragtige verslag is ontvang van Ansie Strauss en is geskryf deur Mev. Marié Kilian. Dit handel oor Nagmaal op Ghanzi en het Marié dit opgestel deur gegewens verkry deur Ds. A.J. de Klerk.
Sy skryf, "Nagmaal op Ghanzi is nog Nagmaal in al sy kleurvolle fasette – soos ons voorouers dit geken het. Vier keer per jaar word daar Nagmaal op die ou trant gehou. Reeds vanaf Vrydag begin die tente rondom die klein kerk geboutjie aangroei en teen Vrydagaand brand die braaivleisvure vrolik. En dan word daar gesêls. En ek bedoel gesêls! Want die inwoners van Ghanzi het nie telefoonverbindings op hulle plase nie. Die nuus hoop dus op totdat daar, soos met Nagmaal, persoonlik met mekaar kontak gemaak kan word".