SAN ... van toeka tot nou
Die foto album is saamgestel om lesers 'n visuele illustrasie te gee van die onderwerpe, temas & stories wat bespreek is in die onderhoude van Oom Fanie & Tant Maria Lewis & die artikel van Mathias Guenther, "Why Racial Paternalism and not Genocide - The Case of the Ghanzi Bushmen of Colonial Bechuanaland".
Die twee San groepe wat woonagtig was in Ghanzi gedurende die onderhoude en artikels was die Naro's en die ‡X'ao||'ãesi's (Makoukouboesmans soos oom Fanie hulle genoem het) en was daar na hulle verwys as Boesmans (Bushmen) in daardie jare.

- geneem deur Braam le Roux -

- Photo by Pieter Brown from Voices of the San, Willemien le Roux & Alison White, Kwela Books, 2004, Pg174 -

- Photo by People's Plants, Ben-Erik van Wyk, Nigel Gericke, Briza Publications from Voices of the San - Pg113 -

- Photo by People's Plants, Ben-Erik van Wyk, Nigel Gericke, Briza Publications from Voices of the San - Pg 84 -

- Photo by Jurgen Schadeberg from Voices of the San, Willemien le Roux & Alison White, Kwela Books, 2004 -

- Photo by Jurgen Schadeberg from Voices of the San, Willemien le Roux & Alison White, Kwela Books, 2004, Pg 202 -

- photo by Mathias & Patricia Guenther

Photo by Willemien le Roux from Voices of the San, Willemien le Roux & Alison White, Kwela Books, 2004

- Photo by Mathias & Patricia Guenther

- Photo by Mathias & Patricia Guenther

Map from Voices of the San, Willemien le Roux Alison White, Kwela Books, 2004 - San Language groups

- Photo by Alison White from Voices of the San, Willemien le Roux & Alison White, Kwela Books, 2004, Pg108 -

- Photo by Alison White from Voices of the San, Willemien le Roux & Alison White, Kwela Books, 2004, Pg207

- verskaf deur Dick Eaton -

- verskaf deur Willemien le Roux -

- verskaf deur Willemien le Roux -

- verskaf deur Willemien le Roux -

- verskaf deur Dick Eaton -

- verskaf deur Christopher Watcham -

- verskaf deur Susan Flattery -

- verskaf deur Susan Flattery -

- verskaf deur Grieta Lemcke -

- verskaf deur Charmaine Peacock -

- Photo by Caroline Hitch from Voices of the San, Willemien le Roux & Alison White, Kwela Books, 2004 -

- verskaf deur Christopher Watcham -

- Photo by AnthroPhoto from Voices of the San, Willemien le Roux & Alison White, Kwela Books, 2004, Pg24 -

- met vergunning van Kalahari Arms Hotel -

- met vergunning van Kalahari Arms Hotel -

- verskaf deur Kempf Familie -

Braam de Graaff in Windhoek met Xantla, Ghanzi se piekie boesman

Graham Stewart saam met die oudste en sekerlik die kleinste Boesman in Ghanzi. Hy is ongeveer 80jaar oud to die foto van hom geneem is in 1970-1971

- Foto geneem deur Braam le Roux -